11 Signs of A Weak-minded Person (Maybe, That’s You!)

Last updated on July 29th, 2022 at 05:18 pm

Some people are mentally stronger by nature than the rest of the others. They become leaders, actually. Whereas some try hard to look stronger than they are.

In such cases, signs of a weak-minded person are enough to spot the difference between a strong and weak personality.

Read on to know more signs that you’re a weak person because you can’t stand by your side or want to prove something to others.

Most probably, it’s the mindset that prevents you from seeing the positive aspects of yourself.


Characteristics of a Weak Person

We’re born with special strengths. And, we are not here to be perfect at everything. 

We’re limited. But, not everyone has the confidence to accept those flaws.

And then, there comes ‘mentally weak people’, who often try hard to look perfect and better than anyone else.

Some people always want to look more powerful and more intelligent, than they actually are. They just want to be ‘the perfect’ or ‘the best’ than anyone in the room. 

Such insecurity of falling behind and trying hard to present own self better than others are the main causes of a weak personality.

Emotionally strong and independent personality accepts their flaws as they are. While a mentally weak person tries their best to hide it. 

And that’s what causes the behavioral difference. 

Sharing a list of signs of a weak man, to confirm that, Are you that weak-minded person or a strong one?


11 Signs You’re Mentally Weak

Having a weak personality and character is not a problem. The problem is that you’re still the same, knowing that there is something you need to fix.

You need to pay attention to such signs to figure out what makes you weaker than others. So you can do what is required. 

1. Your actions never align with your words.

But obvious signs indicate that weak people’s mouth works faster than their hands. 

It is common for people with weaker personalities to make big promises. Almost always, they do not fulfill such promises.

You know you’re a weak personality when you don’t do what you said to others or yourself. 

Are you there for only yourself, do you feel too competitive, and if the idea of someone will do better than you is scaring you, then signs you’re an emotionally weak person. 

2. You can’t get up as you planned or promised.

There is nothing lazy if you can’t get up at the precise time. 

It’s only about a lack of motivation to jump out of the bed.

Like most weak personalities, you are not inspired to get up early for something that you planned last night. 

As a weak person, you constantly snooze your alarm over again. And that’s not limited to exciting morning routes only.

Your practices to other aspects of your life, constantly show that you lack self-discipline and self-control in life.  

You don’t want to leave your comfort zone, not try something challenging or out of the box that levels up your life. 

Such a lazy approach of being reserved and limited in life, are signs of a weak-minded person that perfectly describes you.

Check other: 7 Signs You Live In A Fantasy World

3. You run away from reality or from taking responsibility.

Your parents have been saving you, plus handling any challenges and struggles for you from the beginning. 

Even if you’re at the stage to go out and explore the world by yourself, you rely on others, especially on your parents. 

You’re only appreciated and encouraged by your parents only.

Plus, no one else trusts you anymore.

Possibly that, you’re habitual to relaxing and tension-free life.

And now, you become careless and a lazy person who avoids doing any hard work or taking required responsibilities. 

And when someone talks truths on your face, you often cry and turn to your parents to save you. 

Such combined signs of a weak-minded person also confirm that you’re not mature as well. 

4. You complain and make a lot of excuses.

Whereas mentally strong person, keep their eyes on the bright side when being in a negative state of life, a weak person focuses more on bad luck and their limitations only. 

People around you take you as a habitual complainer and nothing else. 

Unlike emotionally stronger people, you tend to avoid the problems and keep yourself untouched by them. 

You don’t see challenges as room for improvement. 

You are emotionally weak when you use excuses and complaints to avoid any hard work or even change your life, a bit.

Check other: 10 Signs You Worry Too Much About Anything In Life

5. You can’t say ‘No’ because you’re a weak-minded person.

There is no fun in saying Yes to everything and everyone’s plan.

Sometimes you better express your true consent, rather than thinking of anything else.

You are more insecure plus less confident than a caring or nice person who can’t say no. 

Yes, you really need to be bold, though.

Especially when you’re taken for granted, to save yourself from any regrets you need to say no more often. 

A strong-minded person has their voice and opinion for something.

They just never rely on others to make important decisions. Because they know how to prioritize things in life. 

6. You decided that you won’t change, by any means.

No, we’re not talking about meeting those social standards or expectations from society. 

This only means that you are not interested in leveling up your life. You just accept the way you live, an average life. 

Really, you kind of love your limited life.

It’s okay to be satisfied. But, when you are not even trying to get better than your present situation, you never going to know your real strengths. 

All you want there is to stay relaxed, and tension-free by avoiding any extra challenges. 

Such signs of a weak-minded person say that they don’t even want a slight change in their life. 

Because it’s too hard for them to change something from life.

Check other: 7 Signs You Are Spending Too Much Time Alone

7. “Quit” is the only option you know.

Well, quitting is not the only option in every case. But, you make it possible, though. 

Because you’re a weak person and can’t decide what to do further you tend to quit everything at the crucial moments. 

For you, quitting doesn’t mean leveling up. Rather, it’s your plan-B when things don’t go well.

All you see there are challenges and difficulties for you, only

And by weak nature, you’re habitual to avoid them, rather than giving a try to learn something new. 

8. You lack control of your emotions. (Common characteristics of a weak person )

As the ultimate plus one of the most obvious signs of a weak-minded person, is you’ve no control over your emotions. 

You get angry too quickly without any logical thinking and direct reasons. 

Especially when you take things too personally and get upset more often, then people will avoid any deep conversation with you. 

When someone challenges you or says the truth on your face, you lose control plus get angry too quickly.

And, these are signs you are a mentally weak person. 

Rather than listening to them and thinking from their perspective…

You express your frustration and take this as a personal attack. 

Overall, if you’re purely let yourself controlled by inner negativity and reserved thinking, then it’s possible that you’re feeling dead inside

Which most mentally weak people follow, in general.

Check other: 11 Signs You Are Not Likeable In Your Group

9. You face trouble making the decisions on time.

It is common in weak personalities that they are incapable of making decisions, no matter how simple or routine the situation. 

Basically, a weak mindset tends to view all things from its own perspective.

It is impossible for them to accept things or people, as they are since all they are looking for, is-  Perfection.

When you overthink and overanalyze everything, you tend to miss the opportunity when it’s there.

Further, such habits prevent you from making the right decision at the right time. 

If you face trouble going with one option of making a confident move with your positive approach, that is a sign that you’re a weak person who is bound by the set thinking and judgments in mind. 

10. You are looking for the easiest route.

The weakest mindsets are the ones who prefer a comfortable and routine option. 

The new challenges and opportunities are too risky for you. Also, you never feel that you’re ready to handle them.

Rather than trying something new, you go with the flow. 

You always look for the same route. By ignoring new things to try, you do the old stuff and stay the same.  

Well, being in your comfort zone and undervaluing your abilities are common signs that you have a weak mentality that prevents you from reaching your potential. 

Check other: 12 Signs Of Being Ghosted By Someone

11. You can’t just forgive and forget.

It takes a lot of courage to forgive someone. In a similar way, you’ll need strong mental skills to ignore things that should be forgotten.

It’s impossible for you to do any one of them. 

Because you’re weak and easy to be beaten down by any negative energy that comes your way. 

You hold on to grudges and beliefs, collecting negative things all by yourself.

Such an approach further keeps dragging you down. And leave you in isolation and nothing else. 


Are you a Mentally Weak Person or Not?

Well, these are the most common signs of a weak-minded person that separate them from a ‘real’ strong personality who is filled with self-confidence, dedicated nature, and patience, overall. 

And if you find yourself relating to most of these characteristics or signs of a weak personality from the given list, then you may be a weak person by nature. 

Ask yourself…

Do you just want to ‘look’ stronger or actually do something to get better in life?

Do you enjoy being in your comfort zone or constantly challenge yourself to improve? 

And, the answers to that will give let you know where you’re in life now.

This makes you aware that whether or not- you are a mentally strong or a weak person. 


Remember: Strong people seek no justification, they wait no longer, they just do it.

Which eventually makes them strong and independent people in life.

Whereas weak people always have to prove something, they wait for the perfect time or reasons to do something, which always presents them as hopeless, lazy, and weak mindset.